Years ago, a woman in my yoga class, in her late 70s recovering from a hip replacement, told me she was taking yoga classes to get her ready to walk that trail in Spain. She described it as a lifelong dream to take the pilgrimage.

I met her at a devastating time in my life. The last months before my marriage dissolved. The week my first husband left me, I taught her class and she invited me to her home for butternut squash soup.

She told me stories of all the times in her life she didn’t do the things and wished she had. She told me that this is the time in my life to do the things. Or, as you put it here, to ask for things I wouldn’t normally ask for.

While she trotted off to Spain to walk the walk, I packed up my Prius to drive the drive. I spent the next year writing the first draft of my memoir, traveling the USA, homeless, but very very full of all the things I never would’ve done if I had stayed married.

I love your little story. Do the thing.

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This is amazing on multiple levels Teri. "While she trotted off to Spain to walk the walk, I packed up my Prius to drive the drive." Love this part especially. Onwards!!!

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Me, too! Drive the drive...Let's GOOOO!

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Wow! what a story. Thanks for sharing.

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Butternut squash soup is amazing

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In a time when elders are so hard to find, I'm thankful that you found one.

More importantly that you took her advice. Creating your own wisdom that you have now shared with the world as well. Domino effect of risk taking and wisdom sharing, beautiful.

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Aug 1Liked by Michael Thompson

Gripping story, Michael. 🙌 I want to look back on my life and be that woman who asked ‘but what have I got to lose’ 🧡

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Right there with you. Thank you for taking the time to stop by.

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Aug 1Liked by Michael Thompson

My goodness, what a beautiful love story! She knew right away they were kindred spirits.❤️

"I want the courage to ask for what I want. And I don’t ever want to stop treating my curiosity like a responsibility." 💯 this!

Thank you, Michael! Bravo!

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Thank you for taking the time to say as much. Have a great rest of the week.

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This story is a beautiful reminder that life's greatest adventures often start with a simple "what if." The woman's courage to reach out, despite the odds, is inspiring. It makes you wonder how many missed connections we've all had simply because we didn't dare to take that first step. Thank you for reminding us that it's never too late to chase a feeling, a dream, or a connection.

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So well said Alexander. Love the "What if..." thought process as much more fun than burying ourselves in everything that could potentially go wrong.

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Love this story, Michael! Amazing way to take a simple and overly touted lesson and actually make it relatable and real. Hits much harder when I can see the real-life consequences of not going for what I want through the story of another 🙏

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Thank you Jeremy. The simple lessons are often the best ones but for anything to stick with me I need a real story attached to it (guessing that's why I write the way I do). Really appreciate you taking the time.

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That is a great story of faith, hope, and love. Fear of rejection is a buzz-saw for writers. I am heartened by all the stories of famous writers who got rejected by major publishers before becoming a best-selling writer. This story reminds me it is just as important to take a chance on people.

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Aug 1Liked by Michael Thompson

My goodness, what a beautiful love story! She knew right away they were kindred spirits.❤️

"I want the courage to ask for what I want. And I don’t ever want to stop treating my curiosity like a responsibility." 💯 this!

Thank you, Michael! Bravo!

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Aug 1Liked by Michael Thompson

My goodness, what a beautiful love story! She knew right away they were kindred spirits.❤️

"I want the courage to ask for what I want. And I don’t ever want to stop treating my curiosity like a responsibility." 💯 this!

Thank you, Michael! Bravo!

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Jul 31Liked by Michael Thompson

Amazing story. It inspires me to be attentive to those moments that invite courageous action arise. The sense of adventure, aliveness, really comes through in your telling. Who could ask for anything more?

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Thank you Christopher. Means a lot coming from you as love your style and the way you think about life and frame your stories and lessons.

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You may have read my note about Doubt Is Dangerous! Having used doubt as a safety shield, it was a big deal the day I figured out that the very thing I thought was keeping me safe was actually putting me at risk. I'm reading Shy By Design, and it is a very empowering book! Thanks for writing it, Michael!

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"....the very thing I thought was keeping me safe was actually putting me at risk."

Such a great thought and sentence. Potential book theme?

Thank you for the support Kristin on the book. Means the world.

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Jul 31Liked by Michael Thompson

Just what I needed to read today, Michael! What a great story with a wise message. It occurred to me that many of us are conditioned to be so independent that we hesitate to ask for help or feel guilty when we do. I need to work on this myself, and I will definitely share this with my kids.

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Thank you Os. I need to reread stories like these from everyday people sucking it up over and over again as it helps me to suck it up and go after what I want. Thank you for sharing it with your kids - "The 4 Christmas cards."

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Aug 7Liked by Michael Thompson

This was definitely one of my favorite stories from your book Michael, but they’re are so many other gems as well. I’ll be running our interview next week so hoping to help get your book in more hands.

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Thank you so much Rick. I'm partial to it also and had my doubts as to whether use this example in my book but turned out to be my favorite chapter as I flew when writing it.

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Aug 6Liked by Michael Thompson

😭 This one really got me emotional. Wow... thank you so much for sharing this story. I believe in nudges and guidance and this one really comes at the right time. I normally, scratch that, ALWAYS feel uncomfortable asking. And yet... we have *nothing* to lose if it's coming from our hearts. And you're right, maybe the 1st, 5th or 52nd ask won't be a yes. But I DO believe that fortune favors the bold. And good thing come to those who ask, in alignment with their soul. 💛💛💛

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Thank you Megan. Glad this one hit you and with you on believing fortune favors the bold.

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Aug 4Liked by Michael Thompson

Such a beautiful story Michael, and it paints an amazing picture of hope.

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Thank you Teyani. Hope can be dangerous but also beautiful.

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I’ll take the “danger” of hope over despair any day.

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I love the way you told the story - and then concluded with how it was your dad who met the two of them 😍

The message is such an important one, and I clearly see why this story inspired you so much. Thanks for sharing!

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Aug 1Liked by Michael Thompson

Beautiful read. Made my morning :)

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So glad to read this Alisha.

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